Gear Gods

I'd prefer a world filled with raspberry sauce, but if it's hollow, you can fill it with whatever you want!

Never heard of him? Buckle up

A music video/artisan guitar strap building documentary?

Interview with one of Australia's premiere guitar builders. See Dragonball Z guitar for proof.

We don't know yet who built the ground, but we now know how to play "Perlucidus". With tabs!

We kick off Australia week with a list of the most insane shit from the Wonder of Down Under.

As part of Overdrive week we interviewed a couple of pedal makers who are making strides in new designs and

I think a soreption is when you have a sore inside of another sore inside of another sore

We got advice from a bunch of working metal engineers on the best OD pedals and how they use them.

We interviewed the double-duty pedal builder.

Check out Steve Albini's Chicago recording digs.

Supergroup featuring Baptists, ISIS, and Russian Circles crushes it live.

Nothing wrong with a little showmanship!