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What exactly is the "Necrotic
I hope you've caught this
Smooth 5-string fretless action from
Sixth sixth sixth
Rest, Repose, Rigged, Ralliteration
Check out Nolly's newest bass playthrough video!
Did you think it wouldn't?
Double-shred-time from the Queens natives!
By covering SLAYER!
Well, well, well, Mark Michell
This is NOT a drill!
Suhr dude? Duuude, Suhr?
Murder was the bass that they gave me
He's the Chancellor of bass tone
Check out some footage of David Sullivan tracking guitars for the new Fang record.
How will this week's guitar-plugging contestant fare on a ProZone obstacle course?
The Aristocrat gets a new look for his signature axe
His curse is being an awesome metal drummer
Vlogging the bishop