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Drum cam footage from the
It doesn't sound anything like
Well that headline made a
Sithu bringing the br00tz.
I sure would like to give that extended range neck a good reach around. I mean, um… cool bass.
The ceremony for resurrecting a demon includes some kickass drumming, apparently!
Matt makes meth (coffee).
Chris and Trey, sittin' on a couch. I-N-T-E-R-V-I-E-W-I-N-G.
Jorn the "Deathsinger" slaying lead vocals.
Hey there muscle-y arms
Angel makes you question your guitar playing abilities with some tasty, melodic, shred metal.
Is Cubase your home base?
Got the Blues? So does Alex.
Studio porn galore!
Spice up yer pentatonics!
Just say no.
I hope Norway likes immigrants!
Everything you've ever wanted to know about anything, plus some things you didn't.