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A Gear Gods first!
Your chops will rot!
Danish one-woman black metal project
Downunda prog-death drum hero
Check out half an hour
The Hoodie Hunchback of Notre
Supergroup featuring Baptists, ISIS, and
Some hump day shredfest to
Chops, chops, chops.
It's not black and white
Guitar World's Michael Astley-Brown works
Check out Steve Albini's Chicago
Polyrhythmic prog-metal masters are back
Mics, drums, guitars, and
Electronic or acoustic? Why not
Guitar sound out of tune,
Building a unique kit that
Namely the Epoch Bias and the Soft Focus.
I'd like one, please.
Set to
Experience the Collier-related magic.
For all your thrash needs.
For all your one-man band needs.
Featuring none other than Gary Willis.
And it's pretty affordable.
The 1963 Firebird I and V have arrived.
Just under $600.
It's massive.
We also borrowed the to internally boost the voltage up to a whopping 30V. This makes Condor a friendly partner
"Sometimes people mix up these two things, and it's okay."
That 35" scale is beefy.
Named after the goddess of sound.