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Harbinger are the bringer of
Canadian melo-thrash sweetness.
Feel the wrath of former
Can we swag-jack the songwriting style of the 9?
Make it sound as good plugged in as it does mic'd up!
This weekend, our friends at Sweetwater are holding their annual GearFest and as part of it, they are offering some
Have you dreamed of entering the music business but aren't sure how to get started?
Get your brooms ready, janitors, let's get sweeping!
This custom B.C. Rich guitar was built for W.A.S.P.'s Randy Piper in 1984, and now it can be yours!
Songs from the ages about scoring the jackpot.
This is an absolutely gorgeous shred machine, and we're giving it away.
Gambling was decriminalized in 1977 in Spain
Before you buy, read this helpful guide about the basics of ukuleles.
Awaken that Rev G.
Who drank all the water?
Your Weight in Kitties
Can a guitar influence what you play on it?
They sound the same - but their features aren't. What's the difference?