TC ELECTRONIC Introduces FANGS Metal Distortion Pedal


TC Electronic has just announced a new pedal, the Fangs metal distortion pedal. This is a cool addition to their lineup, as their Dark Matter distortion pedal sounds good, but doesn’t quite have enough gain to work in a metal context.

I’m not really feeling the tones they got from it in this demo, but having just shot out 72 distortion pedals (video coming soon), I know that dialing them in to your taste is very, very important, so I’m eager to get my hands on one to try it out.

From the press release:

Tap into a world of high-gain riffage with Fangs Metal Distortion and its super versatile set of tone tools that let you sculpt your sonic onslaught to perfection. From ultra-tight thrash tones to thick walls of doom metal distortion, you’ll find it all here and then some in this highly affordable pedal that’s ready to slay the stage!

And some info on the controls:

Screen Shot 2016-10-21 at 11.46.25 AM

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As Editor-in-Chief of Gear Gods, I've been feeding your sick instrument fetishism and trying unsuccessfully to hide my own since 2013. I studied music on both coasts (Berklee and SSU) and now I'm just trying to put my degree to some use. That's a music degree, not an English one. I'm sure you noticed.

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