Starting Your Journey As a Metal Artist

Music shapes the true essence of today’s world. It can calm our minds after a hard-working day and can add enthusiasm to an evening carnival. It can also be a good traveling companion for a lonely traveler trying to get on the narrow paths. Metal is a genre of pop music which was first played and made popular in the United Kingdom.


Metal music circles around several important components, including powerful vocal harmonies, strong drumming, low rhythm notes, and rough or high-pitched voices. Heavy Metal artists mostly feature one or two keyboards, a bass guitar, and drums. Scroll down to know about how to start your journey as a Metal Artist.

1. Practice

Playing your instrument is different from practice. When a talented artist plays his instrument, he repeatedly passes through levels and works hard to develop his technique. Take a dedicated practice or warm-up routine to burn these scales into your memory every day. In addition to exercising your skills, you can challenge yourself to handle something different as much as you can.

It is important to practice several days a week, and someone who can’t devote themselves to this is not the best person to work with. As the proverb “Practice makes Perfect” says, practice is perfect, and you can be a successful metal artist if you spend many days practicing a week.

Now it is time to start playing in front of small crowds for practice. Get families and friends to let them know about your talent. If this doesn’t work, you still have an alternative to local bars and clubs. Tell them you will entertain their customers and get some practice playing in front of small audiences. This will provide a step to perform in front of large crowds.

2. Be Visible in Social Media

You should learn how to promote yourself if you want to become a popular metal artist. Marketing is the method to target you as an artist. One thing you can do is to make the audience listen to you. You can do this by starting social media accounts and uploading your music videos and tracks. Social media allows you to promote yourself with the many best music apps available. One of the biggest advantages is that many of them are affordable and free to use.

Exposure can also come in the form of hearing or concerts. The more people hear your work, the more you become popular. You can also promote your music on Spotify. Spotify can be one of the best music platforms to increase your visibility. This platform provides you with free music, hip-hop, rap, podcast listening, and many more, with more than 100 million users and 50 million tracks. Many online sites like Spotify provide a platform for metal artists who want to archive and advertise their work.

3. Search for a Band

A perfect band is one of the important aspects of starting your journey as a metal artist. You need to join a band with members who remain loyal throughout the journey to ensure the good performance of the band. You don’t need to join a band with people who don’t live and breathe music; all you need to do is search for a band with committed members from the beginning to the end.

A lot of bands are searching for better artists. Working with a good band will help you improve in time; you can have a greater chance of achieving your dreams and getting somewhere in the music industry.

4. Work together with many famous artists in the Industry.

Using the influence of someone popular in the Industry is one of the easiest ways to get to make yourself recognizable in the market. The best way to reach a large public is to partner with someone who has a well-established following in your field. If you can have this person support or join you in an album, you can meet their audience and make them your followers as well.

You can practice as a supporting artist under them if they are favorable to the proposal. However, it may not be easy to work with someone great in your field. Start with a lesser-known person in a decent mindset and collaborate with more famous artists if you can. The harder you practice to get your name out, the more people will work with you. With time, you will find it simpler to achieve more significant partnerships, resulting in a growth of the audience on shows.

5. Patience and Hardwork

Patience can be the most important quality for an artist looking to start his journey in the Industry. Nobody becomes a famous artist overnight, so don’t panic if you hit an obstacle until you get it right. You need a great deal of time and commitment to be a metal artist and become successful in your field.

Every artist goes through some ups and downs. You cannot be successful if you choose to drop during your hard times. Learn from it, and follow another route. You will finally reach where you like. So, continue expanding on past achievements and enhancing them.


It’s easy to choose a career as a metal artist, but it needs a lot of hard work to succeed in your field. There is no guarantee of popularity and success without commitment. But, you can significantly improve your chances of doing good by using these best practices. Thus, we hope the above tips will help you start your journey as a metal artist and achieve success and popularity.

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As Editor-in-Chief of Gear Gods, I've been feeding your sick instrument fetishism and trying unsuccessfully to hide my own since 2013. I studied music on both coasts (Berklee and SSU) and now I'm just trying to put my degree to some use. That's a music degree, not an English one. I'm sure you noticed.

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