PIGTRONIX Drops Philosopher’s Tone 2, A Gritty New Optical Compressor

Pigtronix is back with some nifty wordplay in the form of a brand new pedal.


The Philosopher’s Tone 2 – predictably a follow-up to Pigtronix‘s Philosopher’s Tone – is a compressor and sustainer pedal with footswitchable Grit. The Philosopher’s Tone 2 offers a refined version of the overdrive circuit first heard in the limited-edition Gold version of the pedal, and delivers what Pigtronix calls a “smooth top end and rich midrange response.”

In addition to Volume and Sustain controls, the Philosopher’s Tone 2 features a parallel clean Blend knob that allows you to mix your instrument’s original tone with the compressor/sustainer effect when the Grit circuit is bypassed. When the Grit circuit is engaged, the Blend knob is automatically bypasse and adds a little more colorful distortion to your sound in both Germanium and Silicon modes.

A Treble control located just before the master Volume provides 6db of cut or boost at 2kHz for fine-tuning the frequency response of the effect. The Philosopher’s Tone 2 features true-bypass switching and internal 18V power rails. Get the Philosopher’s Tone here for $199.

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