FINNEAS Isn’t Sure The Decline In Guitar Music Is Due To The Instrument Itself

You’ve heard it a billion times at this point – guitar music is dead. Unless you count any country music, modern pop artists like Sabrina Carpenter, the countless rock and metal groups doing just fine out there, and loads of indie artists. But yeah. Guitar music is dead.


Unless you ask Finneas, the co-songwriting mind (and brother) alongside Billie Eilish. In an interview with Guitar World, Finneas makes a good point – maybe guitar music isn’t dead and you just suck.

“If you’re making music that’s got guitar on it, and it doesn’t feel like it’s reaching the masses, you might be like, ‘Wow, people just hate guitar music, huh?’ Well, I don’t think we can blame the guitar. I think we’ve got to blame the band!”

He later added: “This is going to sound mean, but it’s really about how you play the guitar. I can record a shitty guitar with a cheap microphone or a DI. If I just spend a little extra time on the feel of how I’m shaping it and what kind of rhythm I’m hitting, that’s what really matters. The mic and the tech side of it is so secondary to your playing.”

The interview also touched on Finneas’ love of his new Fender Acousticsonic model, which you can check out right here.

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