Agalloch bassist Jason William Walton is cleaning out his bass closet, and has put his Godin Freeway 5 up for sale on eBay. I’ve never played a Godin personally but they’re made entirely in the U.S. and Canada so I was surprised to see that the company’s Freeway 5-strings usually retail for well under a grand, often in the $600-700 range.
This bass has been to Romania with Agalloch, where it was seen on stage at Alcest’s first show, which is pretty cool. It was also used on Agalloch’s Marrow Of The Spirit album, although it’s unclear if it was the main bass on that album or simply used for axillary parts, since Walton’s main bass is an Alembic.
Thanks to Garrett Cypert for the news tip.
mouseporn / November 15, 2013 3:50 pm