ADAM JONES’ Guitars Are Friggin’ Heavy

Tool guitarist Adam Jones’ signature Gibson and Epiphone models might not be that heavy, but his own personal guitars sure are. According to Gibson’s new CEO Cesar Gueikian, Jones wants guitars that are the heaviest Gibson can possibly offer. Maybe that’s why the dude is always standing in one spot on stage?


“Take Adam [Jones], for example,” said Gueikian. “He has a very unique sound. First and foremost, he’s looking for the sound. Second, he wants the heaviest guitars that we can possibly or humanly make. And so we have to source the heaviest maple and the heaviest mahogany that we can find around the world. We go scouting to find the heaviest woods that we can find for him. And that’s because he’s used to playing those ’79 Silverbursts.”

Gueikian also touched on Jones’ choice of Silverburst finish, saying that Jones does genuinely believe that the finish affects his tone.

“So, in his mind, the weight, the finish — the metallic finish — and then the way the guitar is built and the electronics, the profile of the neck, all the specs that make the guitar right in his hands, is what we’re always chasing. And we’ve got a good formula with him having developed a couple of years ago the first ’79 Silverburst.”

“And then from there, everything we’ve done with the Adam Jones collection is always preserving that patent DNA of what he’s looking for,” Cesar added.

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