METALLICA: Wanna Hangout With James Hetfield and Kirk Hammet? It Might Be Easier Than You Think


Have you ever dreamed of being able to chill with the members of Metallica? Well, your dreams may have just become a reality. Metallica guitar legends James Hetfield and Kirk Hammet have teamed up with Ernie Ball to create a once-in-a-lifetime hangout opportunity, through the launch of their newest endeavour, the “Hetfield + Hammett Experience“.

Three lucky winners will have the chance to hang out with James and Kirk, as well as take home their very own pick of a Hetfield or Hammett signature ESP guitar. Still not enough? Winners will also receive an Ernie Ball Prize Pack complete with their favorite gauge of Slinky guitar strings. Wowee!

James and Kirk have used Ernie Ball strings for over a whopping 35 years (there’s a good chance that’s older than you). In the video, the duo explain all the cool happenings of the experience, so you’re definitely gonna wanna peep your lookers at that.

So, the way to enter is simple. All you have to do is purchase any qualifying pack of Ernie Ball guitar strings and enter the code found inside the pack on the Ernie Ball Metallica page here. It’s just that easy! Once you find your “golden ticket”, you’ll be notified and sent out to hang with the dudes in no time at all. It’s basically the Metallica version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!

To find out more about the contest, check out the link above and get all the juicy deets.

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Senior Editor at Gear Gods living in LA. Just trying to figure this whole music thing out, really.

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