Writing A Song From RANDOM Drum Grooves #7 feat. CHANEY CRABB of ENTHEOS

Toontrack’s Metal Month affords me some truly glorious opportunities, the most fun of which is my yearly Writing Songs from Random Drum Grooves videos. Every year at this time I get my set of dice out and roll for initiative, I mean, for the grooves pack and specific MIDI drum groove that I’m going to use for each part of the song. Once I’ve got the song structure in place, then it’s off to the races – and anything goes!


The first episode for 2020 features the incredible Chaney Crabb of Entheos and lil ol’ me armed with my 8-string Skervesen and the brand new Modern Metal EZX expansion for EZDrummer 2 and EZBass with the new Metal EBX expansion. The dice threw me some curveballs, which made the challenge that much more fun and the song more interesting.

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As Editor-in-Chief of Gear Gods, I've been feeding your sick instrument fetishism and trying unsuccessfully to hide my own since 2013. I studied music on both coasts (Berklee and SSU) and now I'm just trying to put my degree to some use. That's a music degree, not an English one. I'm sure you noticed.

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