SKERVESEN GUITARS Gives Insight Into Their Build Process With This Documentary


Polish guitar company SKERVESEN has become a prominent name within custom guitar circles as of late. They make gorgeous pieces, and word on the street has been that they play just as beautifully as they look, making their ascension no surprise. One day I’ll be able to feel one out myself, but until then, I’ll just have to settle with drooling over my keyboard as I watch them get dressed and fitted.

The documentary above leads you through their production process, pretty much from beginning to end. Even though 30 minutes seems like a decent amount of time for an online video, it’s relatively short considering all the details that go into crafting guitars and running a custom production line, so unfortunately many details get glossed over. However, this is still a great overview of all the work the company has put in since inception, so it’s worth the watch. Admittedly, when I saw the length, I was only going to watch the first 5-10 minutes, then skip around, but I got so engrossed with their process and mindset that I watched the doc all the way through, and it’s beautifully put together. Shooting in 4K allows you to see the details of the wood and work, the owners and staff give valuable insight, and the music set the proper tone with artist demoing of the guitars in the end.

The overall theme throughout the documentary is the incredible care and attention for detail that goes into each process of their business, from the build to customer care. Each guitar is crafted as perfectly as skill and technology allow, then each subsequent guitar improves upon its predecessor, thus continually evolving Skervesen’s already masterful craftsmanship.

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