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The band's new live video
Colorado thrashers show you what
Enjoy a little bit of
What petals is he using?
Calling beyond this world.
One of metal/hardcore's biggest names
You can pick your nose,
Who is this Tom and
With a whole lotta Bluetooth features.
Think of the crunch.
For when you have a good idea that's gotta get done like, now.
They also sound cool.
For all that low-end heft.
Wonder where they got that green from.
Sorry, dude.
Car not included.
For all that all night rocking.
And it sounds good.
A very metal-looking acoustic.
I'm gonna be doing a special video soon where I fix YOUR lyrics! All I need from you is the
Save yourself roughly $150.
The NS-1X has arrived.
Studio precision is important.
Versatile and reasonably priced.