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"Abyssal Ways" is one hell
Dylan fills his Potts in
The Singularity approaches - gird
The makers of Axe-FX want you to step on them.
Instrument instruction is the last safe bastion for the dvd format, apparently.
Some teles go twang, some go djent, crunch, and/or chug ( and don't forget meedeley-meedeley-MEEEEEE!!!!)
But me, I'll buy any pedal with a blue LED.
You'll go Meshu-ga-ga
Because old gear is better than new gear, unless you're some hoighty toighty vintage snob.
Not a popular petition, mind you, but let's entertain the idea anyway.
Or maybe my wizard analogies are off and it's more like controlling invisible puppets
I wish I had 2 of these so I could make a Caparison comparison.
Black is the new black.
Tolkien is still rolling over in his grave that there's no 9-string version.
Toontrack just released a demo version for the drum curious or wallet stingy.
You haven't seen this before
You know, with the character named "Q." Not with pickups. Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I've
Take an NYC Big Muff, add a footswtichable midrange section, and you're good to go.
For those of you who want to pack your amp into a flight bag, but don't wish to spend $2000-3000