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Low and slow, baby!
Because summer in Texas and
Part one, mixing a hot
Dreamsnake, I believe you can
Jeff's making some smart decisions on this revision.
We talked to Davide about his distinctive approach to the guitar, tracking the album with Erik, his gear, and the
Where did the general keep his armies? In his sleevies.
These Frenchmen came to Brooklyn to record an album at the worst possible time, yet somehow pulled it together.
The difference essentially comes down to magnetism vs pressure.
If any reader has a pedalboard with every single one of these cacophony devices on it, and can send me
Because Jimi or Randy never played it, basically. Also, I have no idea what it sounds like.
And new Precision basses as well.
"Execution/Don't Save Me" is the song this time.
For those of you who enjoy dropping your guitars from a great height.
For those of you on a Remission for the best tone possible. Hopefully every palm mute sounds like Thud Mountain.
Lets get nostalgic for some okay-to-terrible sounding amplifiers from yesteryear.
If you've wanted to lay down some synths but can't play the keyboard, and aren't the type to program it
Live playthrough videos are the best playthrough videos.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with a "rig rundown" pun based off of
Although any guitar, build quality aside, should be kept in a room with low humidity. You don't want it to