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Periphery drummer smacks down "Psychosphere."
Can it be true? Something that makes your piezo sound not like crap?
Evertune bridges, amp modelers, and rubber poo!
I hear a lot of questions, from everyone from total noobs to seasoned expert players, regarding which string gauges to
Animals as Leaders mainman covers swybrid picking and two-handed tapping.
Control your sheet music app or teleprompter app with this portable footswitch.
Hell hath no fury like a recording engineer scorned.
A legend returns!
Dirk talks about the making of the new album and shows you how to play the title track!
Iplayedthroughasongonce too!
Prog legends are prepping for a full U.K. tour.
Luzier in intimate conversation at the Musician's Institute.
Eyal gives us a look into the plugins he uses most when mixing.
Danny Morris blasts through the title track of Florida grinders' new record.
Zac Aris-Tiessen
This week we're giving away Dunlop Heavy Core bass strings!