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Between The Faceless and Conquering
Bonus: two full kit rundowns
Choice is a fine thing.
Distort Everything
PokeMike Po
I mean, the secret writing magic between James and Lars!
With guests Joe Satriani, Gus G., Guthrie Govan, Jeff Loomis - the list goes on.
The boys are about to begin recording their new studio album.
Top Shred Chef in the Battle of the Tasty Noodles
Travis LeGear
Fresh, hot, jazzy new AAL joint.
Take a break from riffs for some proggy funk-pop!
All while "Beautiful Joe" Biden hung around backstage.
Frozen woolly prog from the ice age
Fine-tune the velocity of your drum programming today!
FFO: Russian Circles, Tangerine Dream, Vattnet Viskar.
I got so excited I just Blue myself
Analyze This (diatonic chord progression)