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The ex-Shai Halud vocalist and
Phil Dubois-Coyne rips through a
Wait, if their new album
Plus a new acoustic preamp, and a compressor pedal that'll grab you by the monkey.
They've got a bunch of new stuff including a headless guitar model and fanned fret bass range.
70,000 Tons of Anthrax
The Alpha Omega pedal is two kinds of distortions in the one box.
Maaate, Ormsby now have a headless multiscale model.
Here's something you don't see every day!
Get touchy-feely and express yourself with this MIDI controller.
So THAT'S what he was singing when his microphone was off!
The "V" stands for "very, very excellent," I'm assuming.
The unlamest synthesizer of all time gets a firmware facelift!
The in-ear experts at Westone threw down some knowledge.
IK's keeping the media "multi."
Jensen Loudspeakers have a sweet new line of neodymium magnet speakers for your cab. Have a listen.
Mount this mic to just about anything!
It's kinda like augmented reality for your ears.
Rosen Digital custom IRs and the Line 6 Helix got married; tonal wedded bliss ensued.