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Colorado thrashers show you what
If you're going to have
A live performance triggering 100%
Myrone and a skeleton crew get down and party.
Dr. Freakenstein and Igor are the pair your bassist's board needs.
Chasin Jason's tone? Get it in this all-in-one plugin!
Old mate Max Bremer from Kingdom of Giants chugged out this exclusive playthrough of their new single "Damaged Goods" for us.
Get ready for feels.
Three One G's latest signing emerge with guns blazing.
Innovator Steve Vai talks to Ernie Ball about his, erm, unique early guitar habits and much more.
Buckle up for a grand time with these legends of the hidden temple
Ready to go right out da box.
Perfectionism + DAWs are a hell of a drug.
Strum Buddy once told me
Voyager Australia's guitarists take you on a tease-tour of the forthcoming "Ghost Mile" album!
Jam Plintervalically among the trees
If you dream it, you can do it!
Adriano Vilela crushes some deathy thrash on a fretless bass.
The master of multitasking.