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Palm mute trees
It's the only way forward.
You might break your neck Do you use an amp modeler as part of (or all of) your live guitar rig? Or were you thinking
The king is dead, long live the king
The full power of the GT-1000 but in a compact 3-footswitch format.
Video games and metal, together forever, wed to the shred.
Enter to win a Vidami pedal!
We'll call him Emoped
Get up close and personal with this string library.
Eddie Kramer drum sounds at your finger tips.
Does the plugin version hold up?
There's a better way!
Explore the galaxy from the comfort of your pedalboard!
Metal and gambling go hand in hand.
It's the sounds you love, just WAY easier to save and access.
They all make your tone louder, but which one is right for YOUR rig?
A "Real" cool BTS look at a crossover between two of the most influential guitar groups of the modern era
Ukulele and Billie Eilish - two very polarizing things, now available as one thing