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Shred till ur dad
The First of Juicy
Downright "Serg-ically" precise playing
It'll also smite your enemies!
Chunky riffs for days.
Did I mention it's affordable?
If you wanna get all Iommi-esque with things.
Thanks to Dr. Gore and Dave Cohen.
They'll be available for one year only.
Featuring The Heritage 50th Anniversary SVT, the Heritage SVT-CL, and the SVT-4PRO.
They look phenomenally nice.
Choices? How about all of 'em?
Featuring a catchy chorus and generous amounts of shred.
They look really nice.
Knobs? Who the hell needs knobs?
It looks pretty awesome.
Introducing the Pro-Mod DK24-6 Nova.
Have a blast!
Mooer promises an IndieGoGo for the guitar line soon.