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The strings go past the
ALKALOID guitarist keeps it real
The news goes the way
Periphery just put a few songs up, but others like Anthrax, Dream Theater, and Lamb Of God are already on
But it does sate the need for bad ass drumming.
Solar Preclipse
The esteemed Australian distortion pedal manufacturer continues to expand its new amp line.
iPad and iPhone options abound
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, but EBMM haven't got a lot to say.
It was too deadly for vowels
One Antarctica mystery solved, two more to go
Bass terminator manufactured by Halicliffburton.
The trend of clean blend knobs on every new distortion pedal continues.
...except she sings it out of tune on a Schecter into a Line6 Spider.
Four channels, 6 modes, 200 watts, dayum, Dayum DAYUM!
Bonus, they're named after the legendary San Francisco venue.
They're manufacturing guitars in the US for the first time since the company's creation in the '70s.
Finally, because pressing space to stop playback was way too easy.
The company formerly known as VHT added an option that makes this high gain monster way more useful. I just