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This bass player is deaf,
More gear and theory knowledge
The de-flowering of conches' nests
But the two manufacturers are taking very different approaches.
It also lets us use tech buzz words like "cloud" on a metal site.
Of course it’s cold. Look at the picture. It doesn’t have any clothes yet.
You – Are – Doom.
Forgive me if I get excited about some new options for bassists who prefer valves over solid-state.
Unfortunately the band doesn't cover mediocre '90s Rush songs like I had hoped.
He's not satisfied with a mere 13 inches of signature hi-hats. He had to go longer.
I have to admit I spent a good 15 minutes clicking on various cymbals.
A one-man Obscura record? Yes, have some.
Nope. We're not going to make any "Trapped Under Ice" puns. Too easy.
In keeping with our website's goals we are obliged to provide a rig rundown for the gear in Phil's video.
Andrews Scheps worked with Rick Rubin on mixing Sabbath's 13, among other albums.
At first I thought this was an Onion article.
Steve Fryette wants to put your money where his amp is.
I'm all for the content, but really, a DVD? Shouldn't these be digital downloads or Blu-Rays by now? I need
And not just because these Brits spell it "analogue."