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Bonus: They included the vocalist
Legendary guitarist is back with
Just watch!
You've got some expainin' to do!
The Offspring's guitar offspring offering!
Be a grim fly on the wall at Emperor practice
I took a look at Steinberg's budget interface, mic, and headphone pack!
Mother Earth's finally ready for her greatest guitar brand.
How does it stand up to the original?
Is it weird that a Majesty is probably like the least expensive axe in Joe's collection?
Bea and Matt attempt to sound like Royal Blood BY busting the bank.
Bounty hunting isn't as a lucrative as it used to be.
Ahead of the release of Christopher Nolan's WWII epic.
Olly Steele demonstrates exercises to improve downpicking precision.
Episode 1 of our in-studio series with Sweden's young, mathy masters.
"This snare sounds like shit!" "No, honey, it sounds like farts"
Hang on to that "Receipt", you might have to prove that you had your face melted off.
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