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Bassin' my way downtown
Two guitars are always better
For fans of The Faceless,
Having an Ampeg amplified the side of a fridge is definitely awesome, but not so much when you have to
Go learn the sweeps from "Thunderhorse". Now.
Aquanet not included.
Like a melty Telecaster, baby!
The rEVOlution has begun.
The sound is more important than you think
Make action movie scores in no time!
Much cheaper than a Soldano SLO-100.
Become the fuzzstronaut. Drop out of life with fuzz in hand.
Groove for literal days.
Get you some gospel chops today.
Are you ready to sound amazing?
Or mystery pink, depending on who you want to believe.
Finally, someone modeled something after Fender.
I genuinely don't know how I feel about this.