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The Wicked Piston is really something.
Report to the Dean for a performance of "River Country"
How has no one thought of this before?
If you win, you have to scream "Hellelujah!" or it doesn't count.
Jusska bro?
The shells on one of these kits have actual tiny bits of cymbal in them!
These puppies are all synthetic.
Face it baby - this interface is in your face!
Seaboard overboard!
If you're looking to Nail the Mix, Joey's got the hammer.
A whole mic cabinet in your DAW
Cloud Collaboration sounds like a terrible vape convention, but it's a lot less douchey
The man behind the tones of JST and Drumforge
Korg's all new mini analog synth.
A new mic company's new mics
Just Roland along the sea of synth