Delay Pedals Are too Big: the MBS Mr. Smith Delay Handles By...
The sacrifices we make in search of a pedalboard smaller than a child's bed....
The sacrifices we make in search of a pedalboard smaller than a child's bed....
The solo/Seven the Hardway/Tony MacAlpine guitarist may use the same pickups as most of the other featured EMG artists these days, but who cares as lo...
Additional puns will be accepted in the comments section....
A second Rigged on Empress AD, because one is never enough....
An overdrive, improved by removing the overdrive. Curious?...
That footswitch can't be easy to step on way back there......
Line6 have a Sonic port for the PC and Mobile? Cool, I haven't collected any gold rings at high speed in a while....
Up next: Paul Masvidal Signature Yoga Mat...
...well, Kaoss anyway....
Yes, October 21st. Don't make me send you a Snopes link....
Mike Hill shares his recipe for Savage Gold Prime Riffs....
How'd you like to Gar-see-a his rig?...
There are just some things you don't say in public, man....
I knew Grohl was cool but like, Pharrell?? And... Obama??...
If you're not keeping up with the Blotted Science dude, I feel bad for you son....
Proof that no pedals are needed for badass overdrive bass tone, given that you have the right amp and attitude....