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Oceans Ate Alaska, and Vultures
If these trees could talk,
Without Mercy and without any
Need some epic progressive grooves in your life?
Wes will take you to the TONE-ZONE with the Triple Crown
My name is Rod and I like to party.
You can Google it
Just how much clean singing DID they put on this record?!
Natural 20. Critical hit
Ain't no party like a YouTuber party cuz a YouTuber party is FILMED!
Make your whammy beg for its mommy!
Enki enki enki batang zoop doi za za za NI
Riffs that cut like butta
This exercise will make your little finger stronger - pinky swear!
Ola by day
From Ed Hunter to Brutal Legend and more.
This one doesn't have diamonds, but it still shines
A monumental lesson