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Tasty fretless bass explosion.
The face of the Faceless
Everyone wants a rewarding career with a decent paycheck, so working in the field of information security definitely ticks all
Bloodstock, 70,000 Tons of Metal, Rock im Park, Copenhell and more!
I'd eat that apple.
Get a little bit of the magic of one of the best producers in metal!
Take a peek behind the circus tent curtain!
Is it Star Trek or far-fetched?
Start saving your pennies boys and girls
Fix your mix's weak bass with a little help from EZBass!
Don't be stupid-er, get a Jupiter.
A whole new rig could be yours!
Orange has squeezed the juice into an even tinier package for 2020!
Just lean into the apocalypse.
If you're reading a post on Gear Gods, it's pretty likely that you like metal, and you're a tech-savvy musician,
Can it spit out a bassline if I play it some tech-death?
Linkin Park, Twenty One Pilots and more.
Introducing the big riff fest all the way from the midwest.