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Nuthin' like Navarro.
Current(ly) streaming
What's the speed of shred?
Glenn Fricker weighs in with
Outtakes from the band's new
You know, with that Otari
Minimalist riff machine!
Trey's own Black Parade.
In a handful of new iterations.
Master your rhythm playing.
Also of Thursday.
Three acoustics, two SGs, and a Les paul.
Based on the Duchess, Jack, Kraken, Sheriff and Copper amps.
The latest guest on the How Songs Are Made.
The song is also amazing.
With their new Urban Ironbark tonewood.
Overdrive, compressor, and a dual analog flanger.
Sometimes you need to recharge with something FUN!
Just get things rolling.
For all your thunderous needs.
Turning your pedalboard into an amplifier.
A reasonable fever.