Gear Gods

The gear isn't there yet, but rigs like this one from Hemotypsis' Masaki Murashita are becoming more common.

Sam Jacobs checks out this digital combo amp.

Better than going blue ball crazy, I suppose.

Does Ibanez hold the record for the most signature guitar models?

This is the kind of dumb that I can get behind.

Apparently the guys in the band didn't know until mixing that their new album would be entirely ampless.

The Stomp Head almost seems like a cool product, if it were half the price.

The Classic 500 is for those of you for whom 450 watts is too little, but 600, that would just

It's only been what, 50 years, since the last serious Fender bass redesign?

I had a chance to talk to the band's vocalist/guitarist/producer Tim Narducci about the tracking sessions, and the band's approach

These Dimarzio endorsers have a lot to say about their own tone, liking each other's tone, liking each other's bands,

I know you wanted the cost on this thing to be dirt cheap, but money talks. Hopefully those who are

We asked numerous bands if there was a piece of gear that they use despite not loving the sound

As part of our partnership with Swedish recording software company Toontrack for Metal Month all November, Gear Gods will be

But the two manufacturers are taking very different approaches.