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Natural 20. Critical hit
Front to back, left to
At long last
If I pick your riff, I'll turn it into a whole song!
These dice have good taste.
Specifically if you're a cathode.
Recorded at Top Floor Studios in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Plenty of strange effects to go around.
Gettin' all crunchy up in here.
You can do it!
A tribute to the RAT pedal.
Is it better than that red one?
The new production screwed things up.
A really, truly insane harmonizer and pitch shifter.
The reality is that online live technology is already here. Read our article to find out how live streaming tech
It's PROBABLY a distortion pedal, but we'll see.
With bi-directional Feedback control and a Sweep control.
It offers the option to blend silicon and diode clipping.
One rocketship, four stages of fuzz.