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You're gonna need some aloe
I went down to the
Australian prog metallers drop a
Mike Dawes from Brexit helped Plini out on this cut off the 'Other Things' EP.
God City? At this time of year? At this time of day? In your kitchen?
Glass is dark, tones are dank.
The Mooer you know.
"Hammer Smashed Bass [Pickups]."
Endeavoring to break your heart
It's a guitar that's awesome through and through!
This kid melts face during a replicated 1977 Van Halen session.
You are the puppet master
FFO: The Sword, Mastodon, Pallbearer.
Shuriken play the banjo - and the sitar, and a tele, and a Gretsch
This is WILD!
The future is now!
Come again?
Your guide across the wasteland is Dallas and his wall of amps.