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Ectopic's Troll
His guitar is also of
Makes you feel all Wormed
Stam in the place where you live
You'll be Myles ahead of everyone else with this series
The many basses of Dr. Hubert Pastorius
A chill pill, but for your ears
Finally. I can sleep
Dial in tones tones tones with your looper looper looper
How did they fit so many people into one box?
Serena Cherry teaches you a song from their new album!
Add some spice to your mayonnaise licks!
Hard to say, easy to play.
Lifnej? I hardly know her
From Robert Johnson to Led Zeppelin to Slayer.
Bassin' my way downtown
Mids are my secret weapon brother.
This new technology can be useful for unsigned artists.
Thallin' on a budget!