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Can't escape this familiar face
Hybrid picking tech-death galore!
Take us home!
A Rig To Remember
Meedley vs. squeedley
Code Orange guitarist Reba Meyers wrote her own song over drum tracks written by Megadeth's Dirk Verbeuren.
You a fan of flavor? Because this playthrough is TASTY
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
It's got a bottle-opener on it. What more do you want?
It's a head of its time.
Schier is the Mann
Dang, this kid can shred!
Got Bent? Get Bent!
Keytars and geetars and rack gear, oh my!
Building a unique kit that sounds killer with little-to-no audio engineering skill is easy!
It's a groovy trigger to pull, baby.
2 strings less than you were hoping for, but it should hold you off for the moment!
These riffs are set in stone.