Steel Panther Hunt Cheetahs, Turn Them Into Guitars

I gotta admit, I’m not the biggest Steel Panther fan. I loved when Sarah Silverman was the hot teacher in that video they did a couple years ago, but I sort of feel that comedy/sillycore metal usually runs out of gas pretty fast.


Steel Panther are still kicking though, even though their “moment” sort of passed in 2012 or so. Part of that is because the dudes can actually play their instruments, and put a ton of effort into their live show and production. That certainly goes for guitarist Satchel, whose Van Halen-esque rig consists of an array of gorgeous animal guitars, including his custom North Vietnamese cheetah-colored Kramer.

Like the rest of you, I’m also drooling at his dual EVH 5150 III 100-watt heads. Although what I like about hearing Satchel speak about his rig is that, jokingly-seriously, he does emphasize that your ability to make gear sound good comes from practice.

Check his rig out for yourself, courtesy Premier Guitar:

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Max is managing editor of Gear Gods.

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